What We Do
Customer Service Excellence — Premier Pharmacy Care is dedicated to providing your residents with the right meds 24/7. Whether your residents require STAT delivery, E-kits or have specialized IV needs; Premier Pharmacy delivers the comprehensive pharmacy services you absolutely must have.
Cost Management — Our expert team works with PDP contracts to develop the most cost-effective solutions for your facilities through generic substitution, standard and custom formularies, prior authorizations and an in-house billing department that provides fast, accurate adjudication and real-time price validation.
Integration Solutions — Premier Pharmacy offers advanced programs to help you efficiently manage pharmacy expenses and aid your business decisions. We provide instant online access to medication management tools and reports through Web Connect.
Technology – Our automated administration process with back-end scanning, streamlines the order and acceptance process. We use the latest technology to increase medication compliance, decrease medication errors and improve resident medication outcomes.
Experts in Geriatric Pharmacy – At Premier Pharmacy Care we know that seniors have unique medication needs, which is why our pharmacists specialize in geriatric pharmacy. Each resident’s medication regimen is checked for appropriateness and interactions, to ensure accuracy and safety in administration at the facility.